MMI is a Non-ferrous metals recycling company which will purchase your by-products and residues containing valuable metals. Our expert team can also help you take advantage of an array of value added services. MMI will work with you to plan a strategic recycling program from initial concept through final metal reclamation, ensuring your complete confidence and satisfaction throughout the process. Get in touch here!
Our Services

Our sales team will guide you through the process of evaluating and obtaining value from a by-product or waste stream material.
Starting with identifying any potential valuables in a waste stream, MMI will walk you through each step of the process to ensure a streamlined reclamation program is put into place for the long term recycling efforts of the facility.
Correct packaging, storage, shipping, and paperwork are all necessary components of the supply chain which when carefully planned in advance will ensure a higher value and quick turnaround for any materials leaving a facility for metal reclamation.

Sampling is as equally important as the assaying and helps to identify the true metal content contained in a material.
If a sample is not taken correctly, the assay however correct it may be, will not represent the entirety of the lot.
A proper sampling is achieved using a sampling spear and by following industry-wide standards. By sampling various cross sections of the material and then mixing the various samples into a homogeneous mixture through a process known as “Coning and Quartering“, samples become mixed in a scientifically homogeneous mini blend of the larger lot from which they had been taken.
MMI will always employ 3rd party neutral surveying companies to perform this task in order to be sure that the correct material data is being provided to our customers in a transparent process.
MMI will always employ 3rd party neutral surveying companies to perform this task in order to be sure that the correct material data is being provided to our customers in a transparent process.

Once a material sample has been taken, it is important to have a Laboratory who is familiar with the physical characteristics of the material perform its analysis.
When identifying the percent of payable metals or those which are deleterious to the recycling process it is crucial to be as exact as possible in identifying those elements.
When identifying the percent of payable metals or those which are deleterious to the recycling process it is crucial to be as exact as possible in identifying those elements.
In order to be sure a material is assayed correctly MMI works with internationally accredited and sworn neutral laboratories to provide assays which we will share with our customers.
International groups such as ALS, Alex Stewart, A.H. Knight, and LSI are well known worldwide and are just some of the Laboratory's MMI works together with on a regular basis.
International groups such as ALS, Alex Stewart, A.H. Knight, and LSI are well known worldwide and are just some of the Laboratory's MMI works together with on a regular basis.

Inland trucking, ocean freight, and inter-modal movements need to be carefully arranged to ensure a material will reach its destination on time and in good order.
MMI’s Traffic department will arrange the entire shipment picked up “ex-works” included in our price as a value added service for our customers, to allow for prompt and efficient removal of materials off-site.

MMI can help to identify best packaging solutions for materials, whether 200 Liter (55 Gallon) steel drums , Gaylord boxes, IBC Totes, Supersacks, Packgen Cougars or Flo Bins, each material requires the forethought to determine what is best suited for that individual product . Planning for eventual recycling means being knowledgeable about how the materials will be unloaded during the recycling process. An inefficient container can cause the value of a recycled material to be lowered considerably.

When materials are transported over international borders it is important to identify correct Tariff codes such as Schedule B and/or HS Codes for proper documentation.
Our skilled Traffic department will prepare commercial documents to allow for seamless border crossing and entry into port of destination.

Amber listed waste materials being transferred between multiple countries require an Amber Listed "Notification Procedure" according to the Basel Convention of March 22, 1989 . This procedure is necessary prior to shipping Amber listed waste materials from one Basel Convention country to another.
MMI can assist with the arrangement of a notification document when necessary.
MMI can assist with the arrangement of a notification document when necessary.

Cradle to Grave
MMI will ensure complete recycling of your material is accomplished, ensuring materials are completely consumed in the recycling process. This allows our clients to feel comfortable that no liability will present itself down the road.
A certificate of consumption to this effect is readily made available when applicable.
A certificate of consumption to this effect is readily made available when applicable.

Metal Magnus offers its customers a range of payment options for their recycled materials. Payments can be based on the total number of units-metal reclaimed while linking the prices directly to the ever fluctuating metal markets, or by paying a final price per Kg/Lb material. We also offer provisional payments for material which can be paid directly upon pickup with the balance after final assays are known.
Contact Us.
Let us know how we can help!
Let us know how we can help!
Are you looking for a recycling outlet for your facility’s spent catalysts, machining by-products, sludges, grindings, waste water treatment filter cakes, or any other non ferrous metal by-product?
Feel free to get in touch with one of our helpful staff. Give us a call, or send us an email, so we can begin...
Not just a conversation, but a lasting and trusting business relationship.
Not just a conversation, but a lasting and trusting business relationship.
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